Saturday, September 24, 2011

the end of the world?

How to Overcome a Fear of 2012

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

2012 is a year that some think the world will end, others think many bad things will happen because it's when the Mayan calendar ends. You may have a fear of this year. Here's how to overcome fear of this year, if you have it.


  1. Remember that there have been many times that were thought to be the "end of the world" in the past. Recall that people thought the year 2000 would be the end of the world because of Y2K.
  2. Consider the possibility that time doesn't end. The universe is constantly expanding. Time-Space are linked in many ways, so who says that time won't go on and on?
  3. Read all you can find on Mayan culture. The calendar that ends with 2012 is only one of many hundred Mayan calendars. All Mayan calendars went in cycles. All of their calendars would tell of a date when there would be a dramatic end, but there was always a beginning to a new cycle. Just because there is nothing past the 2012 date doesn't mean there will be the end of time. It is the only calendar of which we know that ends after the fall of their civilization.
  4. Turn your fear into action. Use this fear to stop procrastinating and live your dream. Complete stuff on your bucket list. Don't wait until you're 50. Furthermore, you can help in the prevention of any disaster during this year. Start recycling, switch to a hybrid car, donate to a Space Habitation Project. Turn this fear into a reason to live.
  5. Remember that there is no scientific proof of the end of the world in 2012 and that Google and YouTube are not very reliable sources.
  6. See the movie 2012. It's fiction, but it will give you a view of how crazy the conspiracy is.
  7. Remind yourself above all that it is a theory, or rumor based one calendar that doesn't continue, not a prophecy or a prediction. There isn't even agreement on what 2012 means, as there are competing theories and ideas being spread about. No theory of any kind is fact. It's just an idea with a lot of conjecture or circumstance.
  8. Look back at all the other prophecies of doom and see where they went. Not one of those has successfully predicted the end of the world, nor even a huge disruption to daily events. One example is the Y2K scare.
  9. Do some research. Look around the different sites discussing the 2012 theories and guesses. You will find there are many unfounded inconsistent, and unsupported information. Be especially careful of any one person who claims to know what is happening.
  10. Understand why the theory was popularized. The Mayans created yearly calendars, and then calendars that were fifty years. There is also a Great Cycle calendar, lasting several hundreds of years. We are upon the end of the fourth Great Cycle. We've survived three other ones! What makes this one so different is the fact that it falls on the winter solstice. The Sun aligns in the Milky Way that someone believed could cause some kind of meltdown. But, when scientists looked at the claim, they found out that this theory is impossible. The sun is always aligned in the Milky Way. The earth moves, and has been in that one alignment many hundred times. So sad for the person who claimed the idea, isn't it?
  11. Remember there were many myths about the end of the world. 2012 was not the only myth. There was July 1999 In Quatrain X-72 of Nostradamus; January 1st, 2000 (Y2K); June 6th, 2006 (supposed 6000 years A.D., also 6/6/06, the devil's birthday); any October 31st, and September 9, 2009(999, the devil's day). There are so many, it would take a long time to name them all. All of them have reasons, but no facts to back them up.
  12. Don't stress or worry. If you worry too much, you may start stressing so much to the point of paranoia. Don't get safety gear or create hiding places. If that were the date the world was going to end, then no safety gear or hiding place will save you. The ending date of the world is the judgment day, when every person on Earth will be judged.
  13. Don't talk about it too much. When people bring it up (Which they will), just say you don't believe it. Don't let them persuade you to believe them. Tell them what you believe, and you should be fine. Don't get into a fight over it.
  14. Tune it out. When a news report about it comes on, change the station. When people keep talking about it, change the subject. It's really no big deal, when you're not worried any more. Do not read about it on the internet and try to stay away from the History Channel when they are discussing anything about Nostradamus and the "End Times."


Stories about the Earth colliding with fictional planet Nibiru and predictions of doomsday in December 2012 have blossomed on the Internet. There are more than 100 books listed on dealing with the 2012 doomsday. As this hoax spreads, many more disaster scenarios will be popularized: Here is a scientist explainig that these doomsday fears are unfounded.


  • Tell yourself that whenever you are scared of 2012, that nothing is wrong you are still there, you are healthy, and you have the right to be skeptical of the unfounded claims.
  • Don't let your fear run your life; what sort of life is that?
  • If it makes you feel any better, plan a big world didn't end party for December 22, 2012. That was the presumed doomsday, but since we know that can't happen, start deciding now whether you want spiral ham or spam.
  • Check out a book from the library on the Mayans and hit the World Wide Web as well. You can learn more about this idea, and all the other cool stuff they did. Learn about how these people sacrificed butterflies to keep the gods happy, and how they "originated" tongue piercing. It's really interesting if you get involved. It's actually now in some 5th Grade history textbooks.
  • If it helps, remember that even a hiding spot and safety gear won't help, because no matter what, you cannot hide from judgment.
  • Remember that it's just a calendar. All calendars end, so this isn't too different. It may be an accurate calendar, but remember that it's very ancient. They didn't know back then what we know now.
  • Don't let anyone persuade you! No matter your religion, keep believing it. Even if they try to back it up, the only real fact they have is that the Mayan Calendar ends in 2012.
  • Believe that the Mayans are an ancient civilization that don't exist anymore and this is just prophecy at this time and might not be valid at a different time. This might be based on a calendar not based on the Gregorian calendar so it might be a different date.
  • Don't forget, again, that there were many myths about the world ending, not just in 2012 and none of them had facts to back up the myth.
  • Remember that the world could end on any date at any time. For all we know, it could end this very day. Live each day as a gift.
  • If you are atheist, you can just ignore it and tell people that asks what you think that there is no scientific reason that it will end 2012.
  • Don't watch the movie 2012 or watch other 2012 media scare tactics.


  • Do not do anything permanent such as quitting school or selling your belongings. The world might not end.
  • Do not let news stories get to you.
  • Do not think about it.
  • Don't get into fights over it; it's just not worth it.
  • Don't stop loving your religion's God, because you think it's his fault the world's ending. It's not.
  • If you believe in silence, the universe, moon landing, and atoms, have you probably nothing to worry about, because there is no scientific fact about some suddenly "Doomsday".

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