Thursday, November 1, 2012

ABC News Reported Weather Modification In Progress

Texas Weather Modification in Progress Shown on ABC News! Texas is suffering from the largest drought in a half century, causing rising food prices and record wildfires. The drought is also suspected to be the cause for the recent surge in cases of West Nile virus. Pilot said cloud seeding can’t break droughts, but farmers are getting desperate for solutions because they have endured four months of drought.

Local water districts that manage the aquifers pay $0.04 an acre to keep Funke and his team up and running on a shoe-string budget. Tommy Shearrer, the president of the Texas Weather Modification Association, which operates five cloud seeding programs around the state, was quick to explain that cloud seeding only enhances conditions in the atmosphere to produce more rain, but does not create weather.” Makes you wonder the government has more control over weather then you think!

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